<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Mario Armond Zamparelli


The Designer Mario Armond Zamparelli is a resident of Southern California. His point of origin is New York City. His aesthetic stance is Euro-American. A designer-artist of international reputation, his inventions contain an understated classicism, and at the same time reveal a robust, contrapuntal predilection for the experiment, but always one controlled, in which the viewer finds an immediate emotional confrontation with the subject = the inducements: a word, an image, a color. The inherent strength of his visual images then are found in a careful distillation of material enriched by a very human vision. His work is predicated by a tenacious interest in the function of the piece and its ultimate consumption. One of his unique areas of participation for 18 years has been his tenure as Chief Executive Designer under personal contract to Mr. Howard Hughes, the noted industrialist. Apart from his assignments for TWA, Hughes Airwest, the most extensive corporate identity project in aviation history, Hughes Helicopters, and the Las Vegas operations and other major corporate creative efforts, in architectural interiors he is a collector of art and artifacts which include Etruscan, Mayan and African works.


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